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TORA BP425-VP212-FP200 H-0/T-0/VOC-0 BIO001

TORA BP425 is a Thermal Oil Recovery Additive that was designed to simplify carbon chains.  Simple put, what TORA BP425 does is make heavier oils flow.

Increase your Oil Output


TORA BP425 will even break up the asphaltite mat allowing even greater amounts of oil to flow.  TORA BP425 is not a solvent dump nor a surfactant.  TORA BP425 is a non-cost prohibitive method to dramatically increase your oil outputs and your profits.

Increase your Profits!

· Boiling Point: 425° F at 20 mm Hg
· Flashpoint: >200° F (COC method)
· Vapor Pressure: 2 mm Hg at 212° F
· Specific Gravity: 0.85 at 20° C
· Non-hazardous

TORA BP425 Additive Injected

TORA BP425 was applied at Lost Hills, a thirteen first-line producing well site, through four injectors.  Measurements were taken through the existing well test system.*  The gross barrel production per month of two wells (Well 805 and Well 804) are shown.  Well 805 saw a 40% production increase and Well 804 saw a 90% production increase!**

* Data obtained through the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources (www.consrv.ca.gov)
** Based on a 4 month trailing average before and after the injection of TORA BP425

 Contact AFAB and Associates about Tora BP425

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